Our Clients


Private Sector

We collaborate with private sector organizations and support their work as they play a vital role in enhancing prosperity and advancing economic development.


We support NGOs and their missions. We work with independent public policy organizations, advocacy organizations, humanitarian organizations, private foundations, charitable trusts, associations, societies, and non-profit corporations.

Public Sector

We assist public sector organizations (governments and public agencies) as they seek to promote economic development, sustainable inclusive growth, and social mobility.

Private Sector

The private sector plays a vital role in the growth and development of society.

We have produced market research, industry analyses, forecasting, statistical analyses, data analytics, political economy analyses, and trade analyses for private sector organizations around the world.


We value the important work of NGOs as they develop and deliver projects and programs which serve civil society.

As such, we have worked with NGOs on a broad range of social, economic, health, and environmental sustainability projects, all aimed at addressing particular issues and challenges around the world.

Public Sector

Public sector organizations are entrusted with fostering economic development, mobilizing resources, creating infrastructures, and stabilizing the economy.

We have produced economic policy analyses, statistical analyses, time series and forecasting, political economy analyses, and international trade analyses for various public sector organizations.