Economic Analysis
We leverage our expertise in economic analysis to assist decision-makers, business leaders, and policy-makers as they design and develop projects, programs, and policies that aim to deliver meaningful impact.
Using a comprehensive research and analysis approach, we conduct cost-benefit analyses which focus on exploring the benefits, costs, and economic impacts of projects, programs, and policies, as well as an assessment of the distribution of costs and benefits among various stakeholders.
We conduct extensive research of the factors and variables influencing a project or policy. We examine root causes and potential risks and obstacles which could impact a project, program, or policy. Through robust and holistic economic analyses, we are able to explore a project’s feasibility. We also perform cost/effectiveness analyses through which we compare the relative costs and outcomes (effects) of different courses of action.
Throughout our collective experiences, we have developed expertise in the following areas:
Economic Development, Trade, Time Series and Forecasting, Political Economy, Socio-economic Analysis, and Labor Economics.